Decorated with a central battle scene adapted from engravings after Georg Philipp Rugendas (1666-1742), within an elaborate gilt border the edge with four riverscapes in puce monochrome (Bodinek 2018, p. 357, no. 277). Two moulded scallop handles in high relief. The reverse with bold flower sprays of a rose, fritillary and sweet pea.

Jacob Andreas Friedrich after Georg Philipp Rugendas from the series ‘Reiterkampfe’
Jacob Andreas Friedrich after Georg Philipp Rugendas from the series ‘Reiterkampfe’
The painting is the style associated with Johan George Heintze, whose workbooks from 1744-1746 show that he was painting battle scenes.
The service presented by Augustus III to his cousin King Christian VI of Denmark incorporates tureens with stands of the same form with decoration of comparable richness, these are now held in Rosenberg Castle.
Broken right across through right handle and restored
Bodinek 2018
Claudia Bodinek, Raffinesse im Akkord – Meissener Porzellanmalerei und ihre grafischen Vorlagen, two vol. (Petersberg: Imhof, 2018)
Acquired by the Ackland Art Museum, North Carolina, USA