The eight-lobed form moulded in high relief with spiralling trails of flowers in the characteristically brilliant glassy white paste of the Triangle period.
In a the 2020 ECC transactions Sally Kevill-Davies compares a number of Sprimont’s silver designs to those found in early Chelsea porcelain, including some closely related to the taplant pattern. The name tea-plant is a modern invention.

Two cannisters and a Sugar vase by Nicholas Sprimont, Jessie and Sigmund Katz Collection, Museum of fine Arts Boston (1988.1075a-1077a-b)
Small chip to rim
The Stanley F. Goldfein Collection
Kevill-Davies 2020
Sally Kevill-Davies, ‘Some New Connections between Nicholas Sprimont’s Silver and early Chelsea porcelain’, Transactions of the English Ceramic Circle, Vol. 31 (2020), pp105-127