Probably based on engravings from engravings by Georg Philipp Rugendas the Elder (1666 – 1742) or Paul Decker (1685-1742) with scenes from the War of the Spanish Succession.
The War of the Spanish Succession lasted from the death of Charles II, the last of the Spanish Hapsburg kings, in 1700 until peace was concluded in 1714. It provided a rich source of battles celebrated in paintings, tapestries and engravings after numerous artist such as Rugendas and Paul Decker (1685-1742).[i]
[i] See Cassidy-Geiger 1989 for a service on Meissen porcelain attributed to Ignaz Preissler in the Metropolitan Museum of Art with scenes after Paul Decker.
Minor localised losses. Stained wood frames
Manners 2024
‘E & H Manners, ‘Decorators on Ceramics and Glass’, 2024, no. 13
Cassidy-Geiger 1989
Maureen Cassidy-Geiger, Repraesentatio Belli, ob successionem in Regno Hispanico…: A Tea Service and Garniture by the Schwarzlot Decorator Ignaz Preissler: Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 24 (1989)
Price: £12,000